
Follow Research Workflows

Review the Manage Study section of our website to learn about all of the research workflows that may apply to your study during the different timepoints of the study’s lifecycle.

Before Starting a Study

Prior to starting your study in a UF Health location, you may be required to submit your study to various review committees to ensure that your study details are communicated to Shands staff and that research workflows are followed. See Human Subjects Research Reviews for more details.

Procedure Coding Requests (PCR)

UF Cytogenetics procedure codes can be obtained either by the study team PRIOR to an OCR submission. or alternately, by the OCR CAB team AFTER submission to OCR.

If study team will be obtaining the procedure codes:

  • Study team completes the Cytogenetics PCR form, which includes study information, tests requested volume, any turn-around requirements and time periods.
  • White areas to be completed by study team, shaded areas are to be completed by UF Cytogenetics personnel.
  • Note: If study team is unsure of correct CPTs code to request, these should remain blank and the Cytogenetics staff will use protocol to help determine correct CPT codes needed.
  • Study team indicates in comments any of the following special handling requirements:
    • Are there any special documentation (reporting) requirements, beyond the laboratory’s standard clinical reports (i.e., special forms to be completed, extra copies of reports, images, re-writing reports in specific formats, etc.)?
    • Will there be any requirements for the packaging, shipping, and/or delivery of prepared materials (i.e., tissue cultures, cell pellets, extracted DNA, etc.) to the PI, sponsor, or any other third parties?
    • Will there be any requirements for computer data entry (i.e., entries or submission to patient registries)?
    • Will there be any requirements for the production of digital images to be prepared for distribution?
    • Any other special requests?
  • Study team sends completed Cytogenetics PCR form and current protocol to Brian Gray via
  • Once study team receives the PCR back from Cytogenetics, they will submit a complete study packet to OCR, including the Cytogenetics procedure codes.

Review of PCRs

  • Cytogenetics staff will review the requests and confirm codes.
  • Cytogenetics staff will also assign CPT codes to any special handling requests.
  • During the Coverage Analysis process, the OCR CAB team will review study documents and contact Shands and UFHP for final pricing confirmations.
  • OCR staff will email study team and/or upload final pricing confirmations to OnCore.

Research Orders

For ALL UF Health orders, study teams should be following the electronic research order workflows in Epic, which include:

Paper Research Order Forms

  • In addition to entering UF Cytogenetics research orders into Epic, each specimen must have a yellow paper order form attached.
  • Cytogenetics staff will provide study team with yellow research order forms to be included with study specimens.


Angela Bent Williams
Supervisor, Cytogenetics Lab
UF Path Labs
4800 SW 35th Drive
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32608

TEL: (352) 265-9900
FAX: (352) 265-9920

You may also contact the OCR Coverage Analysis and Budget team via