Are we missing a clinical research term or acronym? Let us know via our Contact Form.
Note: For OnCore-specific acronyms and definitions, see the OnCore Dictionary.
Term or Acronym | Definition | Context |
A-110 | OMB Circular A-110 - Uniform Administrative Requirements for Grants and Agreements with Institutions of Higher Education, Hospitals, or Other Nonprofit Organizations | Grants |
A-122 | OMB Circular A-122 - Cost Principles for Non-Profit Organizations | Grants |
A-133 | OMB Circular A-133 - Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations | Grants |
A-21 | OMB Circular A-21 - Cost Principles for Educational Institutions | Grants |
AAALAC | American Association for Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care | Regulatory |
AAALAC | American Association of Animal Laboratory Accreditation Council | Regulatory |
AAAS | American Association for the Advancement of Science | Grants |
AAHC | Association of Academic Health Centers | Clinical Research |
AAHRPP | Association for the Accreditation of Human Subjects Research Protections Programs | IRB |
AAMC | Association of American Medical Colleges | Grants |
AAPC | American Academy of Professional Coders | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
AARF | Award Administration Request Form | Grants |
AAU | Association of American Universities | Groups |
ABN | Advance beneficiary notice | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
ABRF | Association of Bimolecular Resource Facilities | Grants |
ACA | U.S. Affordable Care Act | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
ACDIS | Association of Clinical Documentation Improvement Specialists | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
ACM | Association of American Medical Colleges | Grants |
ACO | Administrative Contracting Officer | Grants |
ACRP | Association of Clinical Research Professionals | Groups |
ACS | Animal Care Services | Grants |
ACS | American Chemical Society | Grants |
ACS | American Cancer Society | Grants |
ADA | Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 | Grants |
ADODR | Authorized Departmental Officer's Designated Representative | Grants |
ADR | Adverse Drug Reaction | Clinical Research |
ADR | Additional documentation request | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
AE | Adverse Event | Clinical Research |
AFAA | Air Force Audit Agency | Grants |
AFARS | Army Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement | Grants |
AFOSR | Air Force Office of Scientific Research | Grants |
AFRL | Air Force Research Laboratory | Grants |
AG | UF College of Agriculture and Life Sciences | UF College of Agriculture and Life Sciences |
AHA | American Heart Association | Clinical Research |
AHA | American Hospital Association | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
AHC | Academic Health Center | General |
AHCA | Agency for Health Care Administration | Grants |
AHIMA | American Health Information Management Association | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
AHRQ | Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality | Regulatory |
AIA | America Invents Act | Grants |
AIDS | Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome | Medical |
AKI | Acute Kidney Injury | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
ALS | Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
AMA | American Medical Association | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
AMI | Acute myocardial infarction | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
AMS | Altered mental status | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
ANPRM | Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking | Grants |
AOA | American Osteopathic Association | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
APCs | Ambulatory payment classifications | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
APLU | Associate of Public and Land-grant Universities | Grants |
APR-DRG | All Patient Refined DRG | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
ARDA | Advanced Research and Development Activity | Grants |
ARL | Army Research Lab | Grants |
ARNP | Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner | Clinical Research |
ARO | Army Research Office | Grants |
ARPA | Advanced Research Projects Agency | Grants |
ARRA | American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 | Grants |
ASAP | Automated Standard Application for Payments | Grants |
ASC | Ambulatory surgery center | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
ASP | Average sales price | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
ASPEN | American Society for Parental and Enteral Nutrition | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
ATP | Advance Technology Program | Grants |
AWP | Average wholesale price | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
AY | Annual Year | Grants |
B2B | Business to Business | Grants |
BAA | Broad Agency Announcement | Grants |
BIOMED | Biomedical | Medical |
BMT | Bone Marrow Transplant | Clinical Research |
BMTU | Bone Marrow Transplant Unit | UF Health |
BOR | State of Florida Board of Regents | Clinical Research |
BPN | Business Partner Network | Grants |
BSL | Bio-Safety Level | Regulatory |
C&G | UF Office of Contracts and Grants | UF Core Office |
CAH | Critical access hospital | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
CALGB | Cancer and Leukemia Group B | Cooperative Groups |
CARD | Center for Autism and Related Disabilities | Clinical Research |
CAS | Cost Accounting Standards | Grants |
CASB | Cost Accounting Standards Board | Grants |
CBC | Complete Blood Count | Lab |
CBC w DIFF | Complete Blood Count with Differential | Lab |
CBD | Commerce Business Daily | Grants |
CBEHR | UF Center for Behavioral Economic Health Research | UF College of Health and Human Performance |
CBMSRT | UF Center for Biomedical Sciences Research and Training | UF College of Medicine |
CBO | Congressional Budget Office | Grants |
CC | Complication and comorbidity | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
CCAM | Cystic Adenomatoid Malformations | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
CCDS | Certified Clinical Documentation Specialist | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
CCH | Commerce Clearing House | Grants |
CCHIT | Certification Commission for Health Information Technology | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
CCR | Central Contractor Registration | Grants |
CCR | Continuity of Care Record | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
CCR | Cost Âto Charge Ratio | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
CDA | Confidential Disclosure Agreement | Contracts |
CDA/NDA | Confidentiality or Nondisclosure Agreement | Clinical Research |
CDC | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | Grants |
CDC | Centers for Disease Control | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
CDC | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention | Regulatory |
CDI | Clinical documentation improvement | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
CDM | Charge description master | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
CDMRP | Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs | Clinical Research |
CDRF | Citrus Development Research Foundation | Grants |
CE | Covered Entity | Contracts |
CE | Continuing Education | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
CEHT | UF Center for Environmental and Human Toxicology | UF Office of Research |
CERHB | UF Center of Excellence for Regenerative Health Biotechnology | UF Office of Research |
CERT | Comprehensive Error Rate Testing | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
CFDA | Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance | Grants |
CFO | Chief Financial Officer | Grants |
CFR | Code of Federal Regulations | Regulatory |
CFS | Committee on Fundamental Science | Grants |
CHF | Congestive heart failure | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
CHFM | UF Department of Community Health and Family Medicine | UF College of Medicine |
CHRI | UF Child Health Research Institute | UF Pediatrics |
CICA | Competition in Contracting Act | Grants |
CIRB | Central Institutional Review Board | IRB |
CITI | Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative | IRB |
CKD | Chronic kidney disease | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
CLIN | Contract Line Item Number | Contracts |
Clinical Research | Clinical Research aims to advance medical knowledge by studying people, either through direct interaction or through the collection and analysis of blood, tissues, or other samples. | NIH |
Clinical Research | AKA "Health-Related Human Subjects Research". Clinical Research is the group of activities that assist us in translating bench or basic sciences to the treatments or outreach activities that benefit patients. Clinical Research extends beyond the traditional definition of a Clinical Trial; it can also include: - Health Outcomes - Epidemiology - Physiology and Pathology - Health Services and Biobehavioral | UF |
CM | Case management | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
CMDN | UF Center for Movement Disorders and Neurorestoration | UF College of Medicine |
CME | Continuing Medical Education | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
CMI | Case Mix Index | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
CMIA | Cash Management Improvement Act | Grants |
CMP | Comprehensive Metabolic Panel | Lab |
CMS | Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services | Clinical Research, Regulatory |
CMSA | Consolidated Metropolitan Statistical Area | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
CO | Contracting Officer | Grants |
COB | Close of Business | General |
COBRA | Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1985 | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
COC | Certificate of Confidentiality | Contracts |
COD | UF College of Dentistry | UF College of Dentistry |
COE | UF College of Education | UF College of Education |
COFAR | Council on Financial Assistance Reform | Grants |
COG | Children's Oncology Group | Cooperative Groups |
COG | Councils of Goverments | Grants |
COGR | Council On Governmental Relations | Grants |
COI | Conflict of Interest | Regulatory |
COM | UF College of Medicine | UF College of Medicine |
COMPETES | Creating Opportunities to Meaningfully Promote Excellence in Technology Education and Science (PL110-69) | Grants |
CON | UF College of Nursing | UF College of Nursing |
COP | UF College of Pharmacy | UF College of Pharmacy |
COPD | Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
COS | Committee on Science of the National Science and Technology Council | Grants |
COS | Confirmation of Services | UF |
COSEPUP | Committee on Science, Engineering and Public Policy | Grants |
COTR | Contract Officer Technical Representative | Grants |
CPI | Consumer price index | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
CPSR | Contractor Procurement/Property System Review | Grants |
CPT | Current Procedure Terminology | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
CR | Common Rule | Regulatory |
CRA | Clinical Research Associate | Clincial Research |
CRA | Cooperative Research Agreement | Contracts |
CRADA | Cooperative Research and Development Agreement | Contracts |
CRBC | Clinical Research Billing Compliance | UF |
CRBCC | The UF Health Clinical Research Billing Compliance Committee | UF |
CRC | Clinical Research Center | Clincial Research |
CRC | Clinical Research Coordinator | Clincial Research |
CRF | Case Report Form | Clincial Research |
CRF | UF OCR Clinical Research Forum | Clincial Research |
CRNA | Certified registered nurse anesthetist | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
CRO | Clinical Research Organization | Clincial Research |
CRO | Contract Research Organization | Clinical Research |
CRO | UF Cancer Center Clinical Research Office | UF Cancer Center |
CRS | Congressional Research Service | Grants |
CRV | Clinical Research Vehicle | UF CTSI |
CSA | Clinical Study Agreement | Contracts |
CSEA | UF Center for the Study of Emotion and Attention | UF College of Public Health and Health Professions |
CSQUID | UF Center for Statistics and Quantitative Infectious Diseases | UF College of Public Health and Health Professions |
CSR | Center for Scientific Review | Grants |
CSR | Center for Scientific Review (National Institutes of Health) | Grants |
CT | Computed tomography | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
CTA | Clinical Trial Agreement | Contracts |
CTC | UF Clinical Trial Compliance Office (Legacy Office - now Office of Clinical Research) | UF Clinical Research |
CTO | Clinical Trials Office | Clincial Research |
CTO | UF Cancer Center Clinical Trials Office | UF |
CTSA | Clinical and Translational Science Award | Grants |
CTSI | Clinical and Translational Science Institute | UF |
CTSY | UF Salary Plan - Courtesy | Grants |
CY | Calendar Year | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
CYD | Calendar Year Deductible | Clinical Research |
D&B | Dun and Bradstreet | Grants |
DA | Department Administration Costs | Grants |
DARPA | Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency | Grants |
DATA | Digital Accountability and Transparency Act | Grants |
DBS | Deep Brain Stimulation | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
DC | Direct Costs | Grants |
DCAA | Defense Contract Audit Agency | Grants |
DCF | Department of Children & Families | Grants |
DEAR | Department of Energy Acquisition Regulations | Grants |
DEC | Determination of Exceptional Circumstances | Grants |
DED | Department of Education | Grants |
Ded | Department of Education | Grants |
DED | Dedicated Emergency Department | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
DEP | Division of Entrepreneurial Programs | Clinical Research |
DFAR | Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation | Grants |
DFARS | Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement | Grants |
DHEW | Department of Health, Education, and Welfare | Grants |
DHHS | Department of Health and Human Services | Grants, Regulatory |
DHS | Department of Homland Security | Grants |
DHSMV | Florida Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles | Grants |
DIA | Defense Intelligence Agency | Grants |
DIPEC | Defense Industrial Plant Equipment Council | Grants |
DIS | Defense Investigative Service | Grants |
DISC | Data Integrity and Safety Committee | Regulatory |
DMC | Data Monitoring Committee | Grants |
DMEPOS | Durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
DN | UF College of Dentistry | UF College of Dentistry |
DNA | Defense Nuclear Agency | Grants |
DOC | Department of Commerce | Grants |
DOC | Department of Commerce | Regulatory |
DoD | Department of Defense | Grants |
DODGARS | DOD Grant and Agreement Regulations | Grants |
DoE | Department of Education | Clinical Research |
DOE | Department of Energy | Grants |
DOH | Department of Health | Clinical Research |
DOI | Department of the Interior | Grants |
DOJ | U.S. Department of Justice | Regulatory |
DOL | Department of Labor | Grants |
DOM | UF Department of Medicine | UF College of Medicine |
DoN | Department of Navy | Grants |
DoSA | Delegation of Signature Authority | Contracts |
DOT | Department of Transportation | Grants |
DRA | Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
DRG | Diagnosis Related Group | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
DSH | Disproportionate Share Hospital | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
DSMB | Data Safety Monitoring Board | Clinical Research |
DSMP | Data Safety Monitoring Plan | Clinical Research |
DSO | Direct Support Organization | UF |
DSP | UF Division of Sponsored Programs | UF Core Office |
DSR | UF Division of Sponsored Research (Renamed Division of Sponsored Programs) | UF Core Office |
DTRA | Defense Threat Reduction Agency | Grants |
DUA | Date Use Agreement | Contracts |
DURC | Dual Use Research Concern | Grants |
Dx | Diagnosis | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
E&G | Educational and General | UF Funding Code |
E&M | Evaluation and Management | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
E/M | Evaluation and Management | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
EAP | Epic Procedural Code | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
EAR | Export Administration Regulations | Grants |
EARS | Electronic Approval and Routing Systems | Grants |
ebXML | Electronic Business Extensible Markup Language | Grants |
EC | Electronic Commerce | Grants |
EC | Export Control | Regulatory |
ECMO | Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation | UF Health EMCO Program, UF Health Pediatric Surgery |
ECOG | Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group | Cooperative Groups |
ED | Emergency Department | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
EDA | Economic Development Administration | Grants |
EDGAR | Education Department General Administration Regulations | Grants |
EDI | Electronic Data Interchange | Grants |
EDMS | Electronic Document Management System | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
EEOC | Equal Employment Opportunity Commission | Grants |
EFT | Electronic Funds Transfer | Grants |
EH&S | Environmental Health and Safety | Regulatory |
EHR | Electronic Health Record | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
EHS | Environmental Health and Safety | Grants |
EIES | Engineering and Industrial Experiment Station | Clinical Research |
EIN | Entity Identification Number | Grants |
EIN | Employer ID number | Grants |
EMG | Electromyography | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
EMR | Electronic Medical Record | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
EMT | Emergency Medical Technician | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
EMTALA | Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act of 1986, | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
EO | Executive Order | Grants |
EOB | Explanation of Benefits | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency | Grants |
EPA | Environmental Protections Act | Regulatory |
ePHI | Electronic Protected Health Information | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
EPI | UF Emerging Pathogens Institute | UF Office of Research |
ERA | Economic Regulatory Administration | Grants |
ERA | Electronic Research Administration | Grants |
ESRD | End Stage Renal Disease | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
ETA | Employment and Training Administration | Grants |
EVS | Equipment Visibility System | Grants |
F&A | Facilities and Administrative (Rate or Cost) | Grants |
F&A | UF Office of Finance and Accounting | UF Core Office |
FAA | Federal Aviation Administration | Grants |
FAC | Florida Administrative Code | Clinical Research |
FAC | Federal Audit Clearing House | Grants |
FAIN | Federal Award Identification Number | Grants |
FAPIIS | Federal Awardee Performance and Integrity Information System | Grants |
FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions | Clinical Research |
FAR | Federal Acquisition Regulations | Regulatory |
FARS | Financial Accounting and Reporting System | Grants |
FASA | Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act | Grants |
FASAB | Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board | Grants |
FASEB | Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology | Grants |
FBO | Federal Business Opportunities | Grants |
FCC | Federal Communications Commission | Grants |
FCI | UF Florida Climate Institute | UF Office of Research |
FCOI | Financial Conflict of Interest | Regulatory |
FCPA | Florida Clinical Practice Association | Clinical Research |
FCRF | UF Florida Center for Renewable Checmicals and Fuels | UF IFAS |
FCST | Federal Council for Science and Technology | Grants |
FDA | Food and Drug Administration | Regulatory |
FDAAA | Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act | Clinical Research |
FDAAA | Food and Drug Administration Amendments Act | FDA |
FDACS | Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services | Grants |
FDAMA | Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act 1997 | Clinical Research |
FDEP | Florida Department of Environmental Protection | Grants |
FDOC | Florida Department of Citrus | Grants |
FDOH | Florida Department of Health | Grants |
FDOS | Florida Department of State | Grants |
FDOT | Florida Department of Transportation | Grants |
FDP | Federal Demonstration Partnership | Grants |
FEA | Federal Enterprise Architectures | Grants |
FECAI | Federal Electronic Commerce Acquisition Instructions | Grants |
FEDIX | An online federal data base serving most federal agencies for online searches | Grants |
FEIN | Federal Entity ID Number | Grants |
FELL | UF Salary Plan (Fellows) | Grants |
FEMA | Federal Emergency Management Agency | Grants |
FERPA | Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act | Privacy |
FFATA | Federal Financial Accountability and Transparency Act | Grants |
FFMIA | Federal Financial Management Improvement Act | Grants |
FFR | Final Financial Report | Grants |
FFS | Fee For Service | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
FFY | Federal Fiscal Year | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
FHWA | Federal Highway Administration | Grants |
FI | Fiscal Intermediary | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
FICC | Federal Interagency Coordinating Council | Grants |
FICS | Florida Institute for Cyber Security Research | UF College of Engineering |
FIMA | Financial Management System | Grants |
FIND | Florida Information Network Database | Clinical Research |
FIPSE | Fund for Improvement of Postsecondary Education | Grants |
FISAP | Fiscal Operations Report and Application to Participate | Grants |
FISMA | Federal Information Security Management Act | Regulatory |
FLA | UF Financial Language Assessment | Clinical Research |
FLDOE | Florida Department of Education | Grants |
FMC | Federal Management Circular | Grants |
FN | Foreign National | Grants |
FOB | Free On Board or Freight On Board | Grants |
FOIA | Freedom of Information Act | Grants |
FOIA | Freedom of Information Act | Regulatory |
FR | Federal Register | Grants |
FS&T | Federal Science and Technology Budget | Grants |
FSR | Financial Status Report | Grants |
FTC | Federal Trade Commission | Regulatory |
FTE | Full Time Employee | UF |
FTE | Full Time Equivalent | UF |
FTS | Federal Telecommunications System | Grants |
FWA | Federal Wide Assurance | Regulatory |
FWC | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission | Grants |
FWC FWRI | Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Fish and Wildlife Research Institute | Grants |
FY | Fiscal Year | Grants |
FY | Fiscal Year | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
FY | Fiscal Year | UF |
GA | General Administration (Costs) | Grants |
GAAP | Generally Accepted Accounting Principles | Grants |
GAF | Geographic adjustment factor | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
GAGAS | Generally Accepted Government Accounting Standards | Grants |
GAO | General Accounting Office | Grants |
GASB | Governmental Accounting Standards Board | Grants |
GATT | General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade | Grants |
GC | General Counsel | UF |
GCP | Good Clinical Practices | Clinical Research |
GCRC | UF General Clinical Research Center (Legacy Center - now UF CRC) | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
GI | Gastroenterology | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
GLP | Good Laboratory Practices | Clinical Research |
GME | Graduate medical education | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
GMLOS | Geometric mean length of stay | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
GMO | Grants Management Office | Grants |
GMRA | Government Management Reform Act | Grants |
GMS | Grants Management System | Grants |
GOCO | Government Owned Contractor Operated | Grants |
GOG | Gynecologic Oncology Group | Cooperative Groups |
GPC | Greater Plains Collaborative | Cooperative Groups |
GPG | Grant Proposal Guide (NSF) | Grants |
GPO | Government Printing Office | Grants |
GPRA | Government Performance and Results Act | Grants |
GSA | General Services Administration | Grants |
GUIRR | Government-University-Industry Research Roundtable | Grants |
GVAMC | The Gainesville Veterans Administration Medical Center | Clinical Research |
GWAS | Genome-Wide Association Studies | Clinical Research |
H&P | History and Physical | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
HAC | Hospital Acquired Condition | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
HB | Hospital Billing | Clinical Research |
HBCU | Historically Black College and University | Grants |
HCC | Hierarchical Condition Categories | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
HCCA | Health Care Compliance Association | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
HCFA | Health Care Financing Administration | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
hCG | Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (pregnacy test) | Lab |
HCPCS | Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
HCRIS | Hospital Cost Report Information System | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
HDE | Humanitarian Device Exemption | FDA |
HEENT | Head, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Exam | Clinical Research |
HEGIS | Higher Education General Information Survey | Grants |
Hgb | Hemoglobin | Lab |
HH | UF College of Health and Human Performance | UF College of Health and Human Performance |
HHA | Home health agency | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
HHS | US Department of Health and Human Services | Grants |
HIC | Health Insurance Card | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
HIM | UF Health Information Management | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
HIMSS | Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
HINN | Hospital ÂIssued Notice of NonÂCoverage | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
HIPAA | Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act | Privacy |
HIS | Health information system/services | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
HIT | Healthcare information technology | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
HITECH | Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
HIV | Human Immuno Deficiency Virus | Medical |
HMO | Health Maintenance Organization | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
HOBI | UF Health Outcomes and Biomedical Informatics | UF College of Medicine |
HP | UF College of Public Health and Health Professions | UF College of Public Health and Health Professions |
HPI | History of Present Illness | Clinical Research |
HQA | Hospital Quality Alliance | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
HQI | Hospital Quality Initiative | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
HRRC | UF Human Resource Research Center | UF College of Business |
HRRP | Hospital Readmissions Reduction Program | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
HRSA | Health Resources and Services Administration | Grants |
HRSA | Health Resources and Services Administration | Grants |
HSA | Health Resources and Services Administration | Grants |
HSA | Health Savings Account | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
HSARPA | Homeland Security Advanced Research Projects Agency | Grants |
HSC | Health Science Center | Clinical Research |
HSR | Human Subjects Research - Also see "Clinical Research" | UF |
HSRVcc | Hospital Specific Relative Value cost center | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
HTN | Hypertension | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
HUD | Humanitarian Use Device | FDA |
HUD | Department of Housing and Urban Development | Grants |
HURRC | Human Use of Radioisotopes and Radiation Committee | Regulatory |
HVBP | Hospital Value Based Purchasing | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
IAA | IRB Authorization Agreement | IRB |
IACUC | Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee | Clinical Research |
IACUC | Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee | Grants |
IACUC | Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee | UF |
IAEGC | Inter-Agency Electronic Grants Committee | Grants |
IASCP | UF Institute for Advanced Study of the Communication Processes | UF College of Public Health and Health Professions |
IB | Investigational Brochure | Clinical Research |
IBC | Institutional Bio-safety Committee | Grants |
IBD | Inflammatory Bowel Disease | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
IBS | Institutional Based Salary | Grants |
IBS | Irritable Bowel Syndrome | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
ICAIR | UF International Center for Automated Information Research | UF College of Law |
ICAT | Internal Communications Advisory Team | Clinical Research |
ICBR | UF Interdisciplinary Center for Biotechnology Research | UF Office of Research |
ICC | Interstate Commerce Commission | Grants |
ICD | International Classification of Diseases | Clinical Research |
ICD-10-CM | International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Clinical Modifications | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
ICD-10-PCS | International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Procedure Coding System | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
ICD-9-CM | International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modifications | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
ICF | Informed Consent Form | Clinical Research |
ICF | Individual Consent Form/Institutional Consent Form/Informed Consent Form | IRB |
ICH | International Conference on Harmonization of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use | IRB |
ICHP | UF Institute for Child Health Policy | UF Pediatrics |
ICMJE | International Committee of Medical Journal Editors | Clinical Research |
ICMTR | Interdisciplinary Center for Musculoskeletal Training and Research | Clinical Research |
ICU | Intensive care unit | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
IDC | Indirect costs (See F&A) | Clinical Research |
IDC | Indirect Costs | Grants |
IDC | Indirect Charges, Overhead Costs, Indirect Costs (IDC), and Facilities and Administrative (F&A) costs are terms have been used interchangeably by the federal government as equivalents to describe the same concept. These are actual costs incurred by the university in support of sponsored activities that cannot be identified readily and specifically to a project. Among other expenses, it includes the cost of departmental and central administrative support, building and equipment use, and library services, etc. | Grants, Clinical Research |
IDE | Investigational Device Exemption | FDA |
IDIQ | Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (type of contract) | Contracts |
IDP | Interdisciplinary Program in Biomedical Sciences | Clinical Research |
IDS | Investigational Drug Services | UF Health, Clinical Research |
IES | Institute of Education Sciences | Grants |
IFAS | UF Institute of Food and Agriculture | UF College |
IG | Inspector General | Grants |
IHE | Instituition of Higher Education | Grants |
IHS | Indian Health Service | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
IIA | Individual Investigator Agreement | Contracts |
IIT | Investigator Initiated Trial | Clinical Research |
I-MAP | UF Institute for Mobility, Activity, and Participation | UF College of Public Health and Health Professions |
IME | Indirect Medical Education | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
IND | Investigational New Drug | FDA |
IOM | Institute of Medicine | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
IP | Intellectual Property | Contracts |
IPA | Intergovernmental Personnel Act | Grants |
IPASS | Interagency Panel on Advanced Science and Security | Grants |
IPF | Inpatient psychiatric facility | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
IPPS | Inpatient Prospective Payment System | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
IPR | Intellectual Property Rights | Grants |
IQ | Introductory Questionnaire | Clinical Research |
IR&D | Independent Research and Development | Grants |
IRAB | FDP Initiative to Reduce Administrative Burden | Grants |
IRB | Institutional Review Board | IRB |
IRC | Internal Revenue Code | Grants |
IRF | Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
ISCR | UF Salary Plan | Grants |
IT | Information Technology | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
ITAR | International Traffic in Arms Regulations | Grants |
ITMRA | Information Technology Management Reform Act | Grants |
IV | Intravenous | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
JAG | Judge Advocate General | Grants |
JCAHO | Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
JDRF | Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation | Grants |
JIT | Just In Time | Grants |
JX or JAX | Jacksonville | General |
KDIGO | Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
KK | Commitment Control | Grants |
LAR | Legally Authorized Representative | Contracts |
LCD | Local Coverage Determination | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
LFT | Liver Function Test | Lab |
LHS | Learning Health Systems (LHS) are healthcare systems in which knowledge generation processes are embedded in daily practice to produce continual improve in patient care. | CTSI Program |
LOA | Letter of Authorization, Letter of Approval | Contracts |
LoB | Line of Business | Grants |
LOS | Length of Stay | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
LSA | Labor Surplus Area | Grants |
LTC-DRG | Long Term Care Diagnosis Related Group | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
LTCH | Long Term Care Hospital | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
M&O | Maintance and Operations or Management and Operations Contractors | Grants |
MA | Master Agreement | Contracts |
MAC | Medicare Administrative Contractor | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
MBDA | Minority Business Development Agency | Grants |
MBE | Minority Business Enterprise | Grants |
MBI | UF Evelyn F. and William L. McKnight Brain Institute | Clinical Research |
MCC | Major Complication and Comorbidity | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
MCDA | Mutual Confidentiality Disclosure Agreement | Clinical Research |
MCO | Managed Care Organization | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
MCTA | Master Clinical Trial Agreement | Contracts |
MCV | Major Cardiovascular | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
MD | UF College of Medicine | UF College of Medicine |
MDC | Major Diagnostic Category | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
MDH | Medicare Dependent Hospital (small rural) | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
MECA | Midwest Conference on College Cost Accounting | Grants |
MedPAC | Medicare Payment Advisory Commission | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
MedPAR | Medicare Provider Analysis and Review | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
MIC | Medicaid Integrity Contractors | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
MMA | Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement and Modernization Act of 2003 | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
MOA | Memorandum of Agreement | Grants |
MOD | Modification | Grants |
MOU | Memorandum of Understanding | Grants |
MRHFP | Medicare Rural Hospital Flexibility Program | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
MRI | Magnetic Resonance Imaging (or image) | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
MS-DRG | Medicare Severity DRG | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
MSP | Medicare Secondary Payer | Clinical Research |
MTA | Material Transfer Agreement | Contracts |
MTC | Modified Total Cost | Grants |
MTDC | Modified Total Direct Costs | Grants |
NABR | National Association for Biomedical Research | Grants |
NACCA | National Conference on College Cost Accounting | Grants |
NACIE | National Advisory Council on Innovation and Entrepreneurship - 2010 | Grants |
NAHIT | National Alliance for Health Information Technology | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
NAICS | North American Industry Classification System | Regulatory |
NAS | National Academy of Sciences | Grants |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Grants |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Grants |
NBAC | National Bioethics Advisory Commission | IRB |
NCATS | NIH - National Center for Advancing Translational Science -2011 | Grants |
NCC | National Coordinating Committee | Grants |
NCCAM | National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NIH) | Grants |
NCCI | National Correct Coding Initiative | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
NCD | National Coverage Determination | Clinical Research |
NCD | National coverage determination | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
NCE | No Cost Extension | Grants |
NCHS | National Center for Health Statistics | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
NCI | National Cancer Institute (NIH) | Clincial Research |
NCI-CIRB | National Cancer Institute Central Institutional Review Board | IRB |
NCMHD | National Center on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIH) | Grants |
NCPHSBBR | National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research | Grants |
NCQA | National Committee for Quality Assurance | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
NCRR | National Center for Research Resources | Clinical Research |
NCRR | National Center for Research Resources | Grants |
NCST | National Council of Science and Technology | Grants |
NCT | National Clinical Trial | Clinical Research |
NCURA | National Council of University Research Administrators | Grants |
NCVHS | National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
NDA | Non Disclosure Agreement | Contracts |
NDA | New Drug Application | FDA |
NEA | National Endowment for the Arts | Grants |
NECA | Northeast Conference on College Cost Accounting | Grants |
NEH | National Endowment for the Humanities | Grants |
NEH | National Endowment for the Humanities | Grants |
NEI | National Eye Institute (NIH) | Grants |
NERDC | Northeast Regional Data Center | Clinical Research |
NGA | Notice of Grant Award | Grants |
NHGRI | National Human Genome Research Institute (NIH) | Grants |
NHIN | National Health Information Network | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
NHLBI | National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NIH) | Grants |
NHRPAC | National Human Research Protections Advisory Committee | Grants |
NIA | National Institute on Aging (NIH) | Grants |
NIAAA | National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIH) | Grants |
NIAID | National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases | Grants |
NIAID | National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIH) | Grants |
NIAMS | National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIH) | Grants |
NIBIB | National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIH) | Grants |
NICHD | National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NIH) | Grants |
NICU | Neonatal Intensive Care Unit | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
NIDA | National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIH) | Grants |
NIDCD | National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIH) | Grants |
NIDCR | National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIH) | Grants |
NIDDK | National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIH | Grants |
NIE | National Institute of Education | Grants |
NIEHS | National Institute of Environmental Health Services | Grants |
NIEHS | National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIH) | Grants |
NIGMS | National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIH) | Grants |
NIH | National Institutes of Health | Clinical Research |
NIH | National Institutes of Health | Grants |
NIH | National Institutes of Health | Grants |
NIJ | National Institute of Justice | Grants |
NIMET | UF Nanoscience Institute for Medical and Engineering Technology | UF College of Engineering |
NIMH | National Institute of Mental Health (NIH) | Grants |
NINDS | National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NIH) | Grants |
NINR | National Institute of Nursing Research (NIH) | Grants |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology | Grants |
NLM | National Library of Medicine (NIH) | Grants |
NLRB | National Labor Relations Board | Grants |
NNL | National Nuclear Laboratory | Grants |
NOA | Notification of Acceptance | Clinical Research |
NOA | Notice of Award | Grants |
NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | Grants |
NOAA | National Oceanographic & Atmospheric Administration | Grants |
NOFA | Notice of Financial Assistance | Grants |
NP | Nurse Practitioner | Clinical Research |
NPI | National Provider Identifier | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
NPR | National Performance Review | Grants |
NPRM | Notice of Proposed Rulemaking | Grants |
NPS | National Park Service | Grants |
NQF | National Quality Forum | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
NR | UF College of Nursing | UF College of Nursing |
NRC | National Research Council | Grants |
NRC | Nuclear Regulatory Commission | Grants |
NRL | Naval Research Laboratory | Grants |
NRSA | Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award | Clinical Research |
NRSA | National Research Service Award (NIH) | Grants |
NSA | National Security Agency | Grants |
NSABP | National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project | Grants |
NSB | National Science Board | Grants |
NSC | National Security Council | Grants |
NSDD | National Security Decision Directive 189 (issued 1985) | Grants |
NSF | National Science Foundation | Grants |
NSP | Not Separately Priced | Grants |
NSR | Non Significant Risk | IRB |
NSTC | National Science Technology Council | Grants |
NTIS | National Technical Information Service | Grants |
NTSB | National Transportation Safety Board | Grants |
NVHRI | National Voluntary Hospital Reporting Initiative | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
O&M | Operations and Maintenance Costs | Grants |
OCE | Outpatient code editor | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
OCO | Operating Capital Outlay | Clinical Research |
OCR | U.S. Office for Civil Rights | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
OCR | UF Office of Clinical Research | UF Core Office |
ODDR&E | Office of the Department of Defense Research and Engineering | Grants |
OE | Operating Expense | Clinical Research |
OE | Other Expense | Grants |
OES | Office of Employment Security | Grants |
OES | Occupational employment statistics | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
OET | Office of Employment Training | Grants |
OFAC | Office of Foreign Assets Control | Grants |
OFCC | Office of Federal Contract Compliance | Grants |
OFFM | Office of Federal Financial Management | Grants |
OFM | Office of Financial Management | Grants |
OFR | Office of the Federal Register | Grants |
OH | UF One Health Center for Excellence | UF Office of Research |
OHRP | Office of Human Research Protections | IRB |
OIG | U.S. Office of Inspector General | Regulatory |
OIRA | U.S. Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OMB) | Grants |
OLAW | Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare | Grants |
OMB | Office of Management and Budget | Grants |
ONR | Office of Naval Research | Grants |
OP | Office of Privacy | Clinical Research |
OPERA | Office of Policy for Extramural Research Administration | Grants |
OPM | Office of Personnel Management | Grants |
OPPS | Outpatient prospective payment system | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
OPRR | Office for Protection from Research Risks | Grants |
OPS | Other Personal Services | Clinical Research |
OR | Operating Room | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
OR | UF Office of Research | UF Core Office |
ORA | Office of Research Administration | Grants |
ORA | UF Office of Research Affairs | UF Core Office |
ORI | Office of Research Integrity | Grants |
OSA | Other Sponsored Activities | Grants |
OSCAR | Online Survey Certification and Reporting (System) | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
OSEP | Office of Special Education Programs | Grants |
OSHA | Occupational Safety and Health Administration | Grants |
OSMI | UF Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine Institute | UF College of Medicine |
OSP | Office of Sponsored Projects | Grants |
OSTP | Office of Science and Technology Policy | Grants |
OT | Office of Transportation | Grants |
OTL | UF Office of Technology Licensing | UF Core Office |
OTT | Office of Technology Transfer (NIH) | Grants |
PA | Physician Assistant | Clinical Research |
PAPPG | Proposal & Award Policies & Procedures Guide (NSF) | Grants |
PB | Professional Billing | Clinical Research |
PCAST | President's Committee of Advisors on Science and Technology | Grants |
PCC | Policy Coordination Council | Grants |
PCCM | UF Pediatrics Critical Care Management | UF Pediatrics |
PCO | Procuring Contracting Officer | Grants |
PCORI | Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute | Grants |
PD | Project Director | Grants |
Portable Document Format | Grants | |
PDx | Principal Diagnosis | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
PEPPER | Program for Evaluating Payment Patterns Electronic Report | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
PETA | People for the Ethnical Treatment of Animals | Grants |
PFS | Patient Financial Services | Clinical Research |
PFT | Pulmonary Function Test | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
PH | UF College of Pharmacy | UF College of Pharmacy |
PHHP | UF College of Public Health and Health Professions | UF College of Public Health and Health Professions |
PHI | Protected Health Information | Grants |
PHI | Protected Healthcare Information | IRB, Privacy |
PHR | Personal Health Record | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
PhRMA | Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of American Code | Clinical Research |
PHS | Public Health Service | Grants |
PI | Principal Investigator | Clinical Research |
PII | Personally Identifiable Information | Grants |
PK | Pyruvate Kinase (lab) | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
PK/PD | Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
PKI | Public Key Infrastucutre | Grants |
PKs | Pharmacokinetics (lab) | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
PMA | Pre Market Approval | FDA |
PMS | Payment Management System | Grants |
PO | By Mouth | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
POA | Present on admission | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
POC | Point of Contact | Grants |
POG | Pediatric Oncology Group | Cooperative Groups |
POP | UF Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy | UF College of Pharmacy |
PoRCH | UF Pediatric Research Hub | UF Pediatrics |
PPACA | Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
PPCNP | BC Pediatric Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Board Certified | Clinical Research |
PPI | Producer Price Index | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
PPS | Prospective payment system | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
PRA | Per resident amount | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
PRD | Presidential Review Directive | Grants |
PRHP | Post retirement Health Plans | Grants |
PRICE | UF Pain Research and Intervention Center of Excellence | UF Clinical and Translational Science Institute |
PRM | Provider Reimbursement Manual | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
PRN | As Necessary (from the Latin "pro re nata") | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
PROG | Peer Review Oversight Group | Grants |
PRRB | Provider Reimbursement Review Board | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
PRS | Protocol Registration and Results System | |
PS&R | Provider Statistical and Reimbursement (System) | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
PSC | Participant Support Cost | Grants |
PSI | Patient Safety Indicator | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
PTE | Pass-through Entity | Grants |
PTE | Part Time Employee | UF |
PTO | Patent and Trademark Office | Grants |
QA | Quality Assurance | General |
QI | Quality Improvement | Hospital |
QIO | Quality Improvement Organization | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
QIP | Quality Improvement Program | Hospital |
R&D | Research and Development | Clinical Research |
R&R | Reseach and Related | Grants |
RA | Remittance advice | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
RAC | Recovery Audit Contractor | Clinical Research |
RAC | Recombinant DNA Committee | Grants |
RAC | Recovery Audit Contractor | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
RAC | UF Research Administration and Compliance (Legacy Office) | UF Legacy Office |
RAFT | Research Adminstration & Financials Training | UF DSP |
RAP | Research Adminstration Portal | UF |
RBC | Red Blood Cell | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
RBC | Research Billing Compliance | UF |
RBM | Research Business Models | Grants |
RBO | UF Health Research Billing Office | UF and Shands |
RC | Revenue code | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
RCR | Responsible Conduct in Research | Grants |
RDMS | Relational Database Management System | Grants |
RDNA | Recombinant DNA Research | Grants |
REDCap | Research Electronic Data Capture | Clinical Research |
RFA | Request for Applications | Grants |
RFP | Request for Proposal | Grants |
RFQ | Request for Quotation | Grants |
RHC | Rural health clinic | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
RHIO | Regional health information organization | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
ROI | Return on Investment | Grants |
ROI | Release of information (or return on investment) | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
ROM | Risk of mortality | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
RPPR | Research Performance Progress Report | Grants |
RW | Relative weight | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
RY | Rate year | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
S&W | Salaries and Wages | Grants |
S&W + B | Salaries and Wages plus benefits | Grants |
S2S | System to System | Grants |
SAE | Serious Adverse Event | Clinical Research |
SAF | Standard analytic file | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
SAM | System for Award Management | Grants |
SAMHSA | Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration | Grants |
SBA | Small Business Administration | Grants |
SBER | Social, Behavioral, and Educational Research | Grants |
SBIR | Small Business Innovation Research | Grants |
SBIR | Small Business Innovation Research | Grants |
SBU | Sensitive But Unclassified | Grants |
SCDM | Study Coordination and Data Management | UF Cancer Center |
SCH | Sole community hospital | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
SCI | Spinal Cord Injury | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
SECA | Southeast Conference on College Cost Accounting | Grants |
SEOG | Supplemental Education Opportunity Grants | Grants |
SEVIS | Student and Exchange Visitor Information System (INS for tracking foreign students) | Grants |
SFA | Student Financial Aid | Grants |
SFWMD | South Florida Water Management District | Grants |
SGR | Sustainable growth rate | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
Shands PFS | Shands Patient Financial Services | UF Health |
SHARC | Southern HIV and Alcohol Research Consortium | UF SHARC Center for Transitional HIV Research |
SHC | Shands Healthcare, Inc. | Clinical Research |
SI | Status indicator | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
SIL | Study Initiation Letter | Clinical Research |
SIP | University of Florida Self Insurance Program | UF |
SIRS | Systemic inflammatory response syndrome | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
SJRWMD | Saint Johns River Water Management District | Grants |
SNAP | Streamline Non-competing Application Process | Grants |
SNF | Skilled nursing facility | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
SOC | Standard of Care | Clinical Research |
SOCs | Standard Occupational Classifications | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
SOE | Schedule of Events | Clinical Research |
SOI | Severity of Illness | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
SOP | Standard Operating Procedures | Clinical Research |
SOW | Statement of Work | Grants |
SPA | Sponsored Project Administration | Grants |
SPA | Sponsored Programs Administrator | Grants |
SPAM | Sponsored Programs Administration Manager | Grants |
SPOC | Single Point of Contact | Grants |
SR | Significant Risk | IRB |
SRA | Standard Research Agreement | Contracts |
SRA | Society of Research Administrators | Grants |
SRIC | Study Registration Initiation Checklist | UF |
SRMC | Scientific Review and Monitoring Committee | Regulatory |
SRO | Sponosored Research Office | Grants |
SSA | Social Security Administration | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
SSI | Supplemental Security Income | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
STEM | Science Technology Engineering and Mathmatics | Grants |
STEP | Science, Technology and Economic Policy Board | Grants |
STGMS | Space Telescope Grants Management System | Grants |
STP | Science and Technology Policy | Grants |
STSCI | Space Telescope Science Institute | Grants |
STTR | Small Business Technology Transfer | Grants |
SUB | Subaward | Grants |
SUS | State University System | Clinical Research |
SWF | Salaries, Wages and Fringe | Clinical Research |
SWFWMD | Southwest Florida Water Management District | Grants |
T&A | Time and attendance | Grants |
TAG | Technical Advisory Group | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
TAVI | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Implantation | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
TAVR | Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
TBI | Traumatic Brain Injury | Clinical Research |
TBSR | Total Business Systems Review | Grants |
TDC | Total Direct Costs | Grants |
TFFA | Total Federal Funds Awarded | Grants |
TIA | Transient ischemic attack | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
TIN | Tax ID Number | Grants |
TWO | Task Work Order | Contracts |
Tx | Treatment | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
UBIT | Unrelated Business Income Tax | Grants |
UC | Ulcerative Colitis | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
UCA | Utility Cost Adjustment | Grants |
UF | University of Florida | General |
UF COM | UF College of Medicine | UF College of Medicine |
UF CRC | UF Clinical Research Center in CTSI | UF Clinical and Translational Science Institute |
UF SPC | UF Sports Performance Center | UF College of Medicine |
UFBI | UF Biodiversity Institute | UF Office of Research |
UFBOT | University of Florida Board of Trustees | UF |
UFCMDN | UF Center for Movement Disorders and Neurorestoration | UF College of Medicine |
UFCST | UF Center for Smell and Taste | UF Office of Research |
UFCT-GOV | UF Clinical Trials.Gov | UF Clinical |
UFDWI | UF Digital Worlds Institute | UF College of Engineering |
UFF | University of Florida Foundation, Inc. | Clinical Research |
UFHCC | UF Health Cancer Center | UF Cancer Center |
UFHPTI | UF Health Proton Therapy Institute | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
UFII | UF Informatics Institute | UF Office of Research |
UFIRST | University of Florida Integrated Research Support Tool | Clinical Research |
UFP | University of Florida Physicians | Clinical Research |
UFPTI | University of Florida Proton Therapy Institute | Clinical Research |
UFRF | University of Florida Research Foundation, Inc. | Clinical Research |
UFTI | University of Florida Transportation Institute | UF College of Engineering |
UHDDS | Uniform Hospital Discharge Data Set | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
Uniform | Guidance Uniform Adminstrative Requirments, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards | Grants |
UR | Utilization Review | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
US | Ultrasound | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
USA | United States Army | Grants |
USAF | United States Air Force | Grants |
USAID | United States Agency for International Development | Grants |
USAMRAA | United States Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity | Grants |
USAMRDC | United States Army Medical Research and Development Command | Grants |
USAMRMC | United States Army Medical Research and Materiel Command | Grants |
USC | United States Code | Grants |
USCG | United States Coast Guard | Grants |
USDA | United States Department of Agriculture | Grants |
USDA | United States Department of Agriculture | Grants |
USDA AFRI | United States Department of Agriculture Agriculture and Food Research Initiative | Grants |
USDA APHIS | United States Department of Agriculture Animal & Plant Health Inspection Service | Grants |
USDA ARS | United States Department of Agriculture Agriculture Research Service | Grants |
USDA NIFA | United States Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture | Grants |
USDA SCRI | United States Department of Agriculture Specialty Crop Research Initiative | Grants |
USDE | United States Department of Energy | Grants |
USIA | United States Information Agency | Grants |
USN | United States Navy | Grants |
VA | IPA Veterans Administration Intergovernmental Personnel Act | Clinical Research |
VA | Department of Veterans Affairs | Grants |
VAMC | Veterans Administration Medical Center (Malcom Randall VAMC) | Clinical Research |
VAT | Value Added Tax | Grants |
VBP | Value Based Purchasing | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
VETMED | UF College of Veterinary Medicine | UF College of Veterinary Medicine |
VM | UF College of Veterinary Medicine | UF College of Veterinary Medicine |
WAWF | DoD Wide Area Workflow | Grants |
WBC | White Blood Cell | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |
WECA | Western Conference on College Cost Accounting | Grants |
WHO | World Health Organization | Grants |
WIRB | Western Institutional Review Board | Clinical Research |
XML | Extensible Markup Language | Grants |
YCC | Youth Conservation Corps | Grants |
ZPIC | Zone Program Integrity Contractor | Medical, Hospital, Insurance |