
Epic is the electronic medical record, scheduling, and billing system for UF Health. Epic includes a research module which is designed to assist researchers with research billing compliance by:

  • Identifying active research studies that are taking place at UF Health locations
  • Associating patients to the research studies that they are participating in
  • Associating protocol-required research orders and encounters to research participants/studies
  • Assisting in ensuring that each protocol-required research service is correctly billed to either the patient/insurance or to the research study

Epic Research Access

Epic Login via Citrex/VPN

Epic Research Training

Epic Research User Guides


Have a QuestiON or Problem with… Please Contact….
Epic Research Billing UF Health Research Billing Office (RBO) UF-ShandsResearchBillingTeam@shands.ufl.edu
Epic Research Functionality Melissa Sykes IS Application Analyst L2 GNVEpicResearchSupport@shands.ufl.edu
Epic Research Training Office of Clinical Research (OCR) Training Team OCR-Training@ahc.ufl.edu
Epic Technical Problems Submit a SERVICE REQUEST with UF Health IT