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OnCore News

OnCore Basics Class Has Been Replaced with Online Course

OCR810 OnCore Certification Starting in 2021, the live OCR800: OnCore Basics course has been retired and replaced with OCR810: Introduction to OnCore, an online certification course. Going forward, OCR810 will be required for any research staff member who is new to OnCore and needs access. The OCR810 certification is…

Close Epic Record When Updating Subject Status in OnCore

When registering a subject or updating a subject status in OnCore, make sure that you do NOT have the corresponding study or patient research record open in Epic.  If the Epic record is open, the subject status will NOT update from OnCore.For more information, see the OnCore Epic Protocol and Subject Registration Interface…

How Can I Get to the OnCore User Guides?

The UF OnCore Support team has created a library of user guides that include web-based step-by-step instructions, tip sheets with screen shots, and demo videos. The OnCore User Guides can be found on the OnCore Support website. For computers not on the UF Health network, VPN…

Using the OnCore CTSI Biorepository Management Group

Each library in OnCore has a CTSI Biorepository management group (formerly named Pathology). Adding the CTSI Biorepository management group to a study’s list of management groups on the Management tab allows the CTSI Biorepository staff to: Verify IRB approvals for that studyVerify study subject consent/enrollmentConfigure the OnCore protocol so that samples can be recorded Study Team…

Make Sure Your IRB Review Date is Being Saved in OnCore!

There are several areas of OnCore functionality that rely on properly entered IRB Review Dates. For example, many sponsor invoiceable items are triggered by Review Dates. When entering an IRB review in OnCore, you should take extra care to use the special formatting required by the Review Date field. You also need to either hit the resulting date hyperlink OR hit…

Don’t Delete OCR Staff Roles in OnCore

When adding/updating your study staff data in OnCore, you may notice some new roles that start with “OCR”.  These roles are used by OCR staff for internal task list notifications. Please do not delete, edit, or change these OCR staff roles.  For more information on OnCore staff roles, see the Assign Study Staff user guide.

Close Epic Record When Updating Subject Status in OnCore

When registering a subject or updating a subject status in OnCore, make sure that you do NOT have the corresponding study or patient research record open in Epic.  If the Epic record is open, the subject status will NOT update from OnCore. For more information, see the OnCore Epic…

Keep Study Contacts Updated in OnCore and Epic

While the OnCore-Epic interface automatically updates Subject Statuses from OnCore to Epic, it does NOT automatically update study contact information. When updating Study Coordinator and Charge Reviewer names in OnCore, study teams will need to contact to have the Epic Study Coordinator list refreshed. For more information, see the OnCore-Epic Protocol and Subject Registration Interface and Assign Study Staff user guides. Questions? Contact …