In 2021, the Office of Clincial Research (OCR) Training team will be combining the Research Billing Compliance (RBC), Epic Research, and OnCore training classes into one OCR training series. This will be a stepwise process that includes retiring courses, moving current content into already exisiting courses, converting some live courses to an online modality, and/or creating new courses.
Changes So Far…
OCR800 Moved to Online Course
- The live OCR800: OnCore Basics course has been retired and replaced with OCR810: Introduction to OnCore, an online certification course.
- OCR810 is now required for any research staff member who is new to OnCore and needs access.
RBC800, RBC804, RBC806 Combined into New Live Course
- A new live course OCR807: Introduction to the Office of Clinical Research has been created.
- This course provides an introduction to the Office of Clinical Research and the human subjects research workflows it oversees.
- This course replaces all of the following legacy retired RBC courses:
- RBC800: Clinical Research Billing Crash Course
- RBC804:: Navigating OCR Websites
- RBC806: The OCR Intake Process
RBC801, RBC802 Retired
- RBC801: To Bill or Not to Bill? and RBC802: Service Provider Communication content is covered in OCR820: Human Subjects Clinical Research Billing Risks.
RBC808, RBC818 Renumbered
- RBC808: Research Billing in Epic has been renumbered to OCR865: Research Billing in Epic.
- RBC818: Research Orders & Encounters in Epic has been renumbered to OCR861: Research Orders & Encounters in Epic.
OCR860 Epic Timeline Course Created
- A new course OCR860: Epic Timeline Management has been created.
- Whenever a patient is enrolled into a study that has a billing grid/calendar in OnCore AND in Epic, you MUST manually generate a patient timeline in Epic. This will auto-direct the subject’s Epic charges to the appropriate billing designation (“bucket”) based on the applied timeline.
- This course is currently presented via zoom twice a month; it will soon also be offered as an “on demand” online course.
- To register, Click on this link to access the registration page in the myTraining system (Gatorlink login required).
- Additional information about 2021 OCR training transitions can be found on our main training page.
- Training updates are also announced in our biweekly Clinical Research Forums.
- Study team managers and supervisors are encouraged to perdiodically review the main training page to ensure that new study staff are following the most current training series.
- If you have questions or need help registering, please email