Using the OnCore CTSI Biorepository Management Group

Each library in OnCore has a CTSI Biorepository management group (formerly named Pathology).

Adding the CTSI Biorepository management group to a study’s list of management groups on the Management tab allows the CTSI Biorepository staff to:

  • Verify IRB approvals for that study
  • Verify study subject consent/enrollment
  • Configure the OnCore protocol so that samples can be recorded

Study Team Responsibilities

  • As always, study teams are responsible for ensuring that study staff and IRB reviews are kept up-to-date in OnCore.
  • In addition, for any study that involves CTSI Biorepository services, study teams must confirm that the CTSI Biorepository management group is included in the study’s list of management groups.
  • If it is missing, contact to have it added.

Note: This article was originally published on 04/23/19. It was revised on 05/01/19 to reflect the management group name change from Pathology to CTSI Biorepository.